Saturday, September 12, 2009

Adventures in My Fathers World week 2

Science Experement - is an empty bottle really empty?
Making the sail for the Santa Maria
Molly's ships

We have now finished our second full week of school and I am loving it, and Molly is for the most part lol. We both have to get used to our new schedule and new teacher. I have been getting some of "that's not how we did in school" but for the most part things are going well. I have to say for me I am loving it and wish I had started homeschooling sooner, but I guess this was God's plan for our family. This week we study Christopher Columbus and his voyage from Spain to North America. We made boats to sail representing the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria. We also studied the song "God Bless America" and began our study in science on air - we did and experement with an empty bottle to see if it was really empty or not. Conclusion - it was full of air. We also began our study on the names of Jesus "The Lord Saves"

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