Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Not Back to School Blog Hop - Week 1 Curriculum

Not Back to School Blog Hop

Well here it is our learning plan for the 3rd grade

Let me first say that this is a rather large list and that we may not end up doing it all, I reserve the right to chuck anything that isn't working for us and that this is somewhat of a wish list as I do not have everything on this list yet.  I also want to say that I love to pick up things here homeschoolclassifieds

Bible:  Weekly memory verses and reading from Mathew.  Windows on the World – prayer needs around the world.  Missionaries and their specific Character traits using Hero Tales.
Reading:  Abeka Readers grade 3 and various “living books” for each country we study, Heroes for young readers and other grade level books of interest and  Readalouds  - Kingdom tales, Christian heroes then and now series, Trail blazers series
Science:  Habitats using Properties of Ecosystems and Living world encyclopedia.  Animals around the world with the complete book of animals, nature walks and nature journaling. Other experiments such as Amazing Geyser Tube.
Math:  Math–u-see Gamma, Signapore 2A & 2B, flash master, math games on the computer.
Handwriting: A reason for handwriting – finish transition and start Cursive book
Spelling:  spelling Power, Spelling Power task cards, spelling city on computer.
Foreign Language:  Rossetta Stone Latin American, Rossetta Stone Level 1 workbook, watching movies in Spanish, having people we know speak Spanish with us.
Art – finishing Artistic Pursuits book 1, crafts by country with Global Art, fun with easy origami.

Music:  Wee Sign around the world, geography songs, Hymns for a kids Heart vol 2, the recorder using Recorder Fun! Teach Yourself the Easy Way and piano lessons

Health:  Real Fitness 101 games & activities to get fit, Food and You, Magic School bus inside the human body, I wonder why I blink, the story of me books 1&2.

Phy Ed:  Jumpstart Get Moving Family Fitness, Jump rope, Chinese jump rope, training for the presidential fittnes program.  Swim club and possible Gymnastics.

Home Economics: Eat your way around the world, Financial peace jr. teaching kids about money and FPJr. Story books, Life Skills for equipping your child for the real world.

1 comment:

Teaching by Mom said...

I saw your blog and LOVE it. I just started a new blog www.sanctifiedsavings.blogspot.com and I am looking for some people to submit some recipes, including the cost. I will link each recipe back to your website. Thanks so much!

If recipes arent your thing my main blog is www.heyrachiekae.com which is all about frugalness, craftiness and homeschooling.


BTW- I did follow your blog, would follow mine back?? I hope to see some recipes from you! Any of the older ones you have posted would be great!