Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ready for School

Our new system for chores and routines thank to the inspiration from another blog Being Made New
I am just loving my new laminator!
a closer look, I have chores that rotate and those are the ones that pay commissions as Dave Ramesy put it.

  a look at our work space for school and workboxes adapted for Sue Patrick's book new for us this year
a closer look at our boxes
our new huge laminated map
 our white board - from home depot, cut to size for $12, Tiny Tot's alphabet - garage sale $1
my shelves of fun stuff, mostly to fill Tiny Tots workboxes
supplies to fill my 3rd graders boxes and our book basket books and library books
our chalk board wall, made with chalk board paint and Tiny Tot's work boxes and my old printer to use as a copy machine for a while until I run out of ink.
our student confession - stolen from NTC Christian Academy #1 went there 2 years before we brought her home to school.

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